adding to psrrefs

New entries should be added to modrefs.bib. In all of the BibTeX databases, the following rules should be adhered to:


  1. Keep the entries sorted in alphabetical order, by key if possible.
  2. Make all references to journals symbolic. Look in the journals.bib file for a list of the abbreviations, and add further ones if necessary.
  3. In an attempt to keep the keys unique use the following rules
    1. Single author: use three letters, such as lyn82 for Lyne 1982.
    2. Two--four authors: use first letter of authors' surnames, as in lmt85 for Lyne, Manchester, & Taylor 1985.
    3. More than four authors: use first letters of first three authors' surnames, followed by +, as in hbp+68 for Hewish et al, 1968.
    4. To break ties, use a letter after the year, as in ht75a, ht75b.
    5. For multi-word surnames: use the first letter of the first word, eg "v", not "h" for "van den Heuvel."
  4. Follow the general layout of the entries currently used, i.e. put each field on a new line as it makes it much easier to read. Always include a title. Note that for conference proceedings and the like, please define the book as a reference (in crossrefs.bib). Subsequent entries can then cross reference the book. For an example, see jwb96 (book) and rlg96 (article). This method reduces the overheads on future updates, uniforms book definitions, and minimizes typos.
  5. When making an entry in modrefs to correct an error in psrrefs, please add a line
    (or page, volume, etc) to assist the poor soul who is next to merge the files.
  6. If an entry should be deleted, insert a line as follows in the entry.
    Do NOT delete the entry. It will be deleted at the next collation. 7. Please try to avoid duplicating tags not only within a file but across all files in this directory. (So if mt77 is used in psrrefs.bib, don't use it in grbrefs.bib -- use mt77b, etc.) Use the supplied checkref utility before adding new entries.